Irish Pub is the only authentic Irish pub in Uzbekistan, which was opened in 2005. When creating authentic Irish atmosphere, a considerable attention was paid to interior design that had been developed by professionals from Dublin.

To fully immerse into the atmosphere of the old Irish pub, the tables and bar were rubbed with beer and whiskey. To get rid of the smell of freshness after renovation, cigars were smoked heavily so the aroma would settle on the walls.
The signature attribute of Irish Pub is Bamberg Premium beer, which is made by the recipe of German brewers. Bamberg has gained wide popularity in Tashkent. It is presented in 4 types: light unfiltered, light filtered, dark and chocolate.
Our mission was to externalize the atmosphere of the Irish pub and to create a space for socializing and relaxing. Souvenirs, photos on the walls, the smell of beer and whiskey, the interaction of visitors and pub workers, live music create the very Irish spirit that makes the Irish Pub so unique.